Upload Images Directly from your Desktop

After blogging for last 6 months I’ve realized that I am getting a Good hold on Blogging Techniques. So, from now own I’ve decided to Share my blogging techniques with you all. So, to start with I’ve chosen a topic which every body will like whether a blogger or a Photographer or any person who wants to share his photos with his friend. You need a tool like TinyPic Uploader which will help to Upload Photos directly from your Desktop. This is very fast Technique as it will not be required to open your Web Browser for this Purpose.

Get TinyPic Uploader from here. Visit site here.

To share your pictures on Orkut with your friends you can use this tool by uploading Photo to Internet. For this you need to Activate Right Click Upload through the installed Application and then you need to Right Click and Upload Picture to TinyPic or Imageshack. After that you can copy the Image Address. Using this Image Address you can write HTML code for sharing Image, and scarp it to your friends.

Code for Sharing Image in Orkut
Copy This Code:-