About Us

ChillGeeks provide latest technological tips about computers, study, apps, social networking and user guides that aims to improve the productivity and the user experience. We are a dedicated team of computer enthusiasts that write for ChillGeeks. None of the four member team is from computers field but it is because of our interest, that we write for ChillGeeks.


The Team



  1. Prateek Singla : A civil engineer by profession, geek by nature. Completed BE-Civil from NIT Kurukshetra, he is now working in a MNC.  You can reach him by clicking this link.


  1. Nishant Adlakha : Nishant specializes in Industrial Engineering & Operations Management and presently is in the final year of BE-MBA program of Thapar  University, Patiala. Prateek introduced blogging to Nishant and soon they collaborated to make ChillGeeks. You can contact him by clicking here.


  1. Anshul Goyal : Anshul is currently pursuing second year of his Bachelors in Engineering from UIET, Chandigarh and joined our team in 2011. Passionate about computers and latest technology, Anshul also works as a freelance Web and Graphic Designer. Click here to reach him.


  1. Sanya Gupta: A second year student of UIET, Chandigarh, Sanya joined ChillGeeks. She is a highly creative and enthusiastic developer. Also, she co-founded team REDEE with Anshul in 2010. To contact her, click here.