Get back to Old Facebook Chat

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Old Facebook Chat

In this article we’ll describe you how to get back to old facebook chat.Changes are often difficult to accept in the fast changing world of the internet due to increased complications while you experiment with the stuff. For example when Google introduced the black top bar on their main page, many got irritated and searched for ways to revert back to the old theme. You might be aware of the latest facebook-skype integration that lets you video call right from your facebook account. Along with this, facebook has introduced a new chat feature, a new sidebar that displays your most talked to friends without taking into account their online or offline status.

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This might seem useful, like the creators intended or on the other hand it might have fallen on you as a curse of not getting everyone of your online friends and needing to search for everyone you wish to ping, at the same time forgetting about a few lesser recalled. If that matches your current vibes, just read ahead and you shall get a solution.

Chrome Installation:


Installing on Google Chrome is rather easy. You need to follow these steps to get back to old chat:

  1. Click  here. You will be redirected to a page shown below. Just click the install button below.script_install_facebook chat reversal
  2. You will see another pop up like the one shown below:Chrome Installations Ignore the warning and click Continue.
  3. Again you’ll see a pop-up like the one shown below:
    Chrome InstallationAgain, click on install.
  4. After this, restart your browser and will see your old facebook chat back in action.

If anyhow, you didn’t like the application, you can install the application by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the wrench tool>point to tools>extensions:
  2. You will get another tab opened like this:
    Uninstall scriptJust click on uninstall and restart the browser and you’ll get back to new Facebook chat.
Firefox Installation:


In order to accomplish this task, you need to install Greasemonkey script, with firefox. Now click here and install this script which shall reverse facebook chat automatically everytime you login into your account.

Now just refresh the page and see all your online friends back again.



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