Keep Those Precious Moments Forever, Record Your Baby’s “Firsts”

My Baby Star LogoClearly, this post here is for the grown ups, those proud moms and dads out there. Your “Baby’s First” is something you want to cherish forever, like his/her first word, the first walk, all those little stories that you want to keep with you and share with the world. Here we are, with a wonderful web service that lets you do the same in a beautiful and graceful way.

My Baby Star

My Baby Star Sharing OptionsPhysical striges like photo albums or scrapbooks are prone to damage but with online storage you can forget about all the risks. is powerful website that lets you record all the first experiences of your baby in the form a beautiful webpage with utmost ease.

All you have to do is sign up for a account, and start uploading pictures. You have automated suggestions coming like first words, first crawling, first tooth, etc. and you can choose to add detail to any of them. You can even go back in time, when you first heard of pregnancy and were excited if it will be a boy or a girl.

My Baby Star Control PanelYou can add photos and videos and customize your webpage by changing the colors, background, fonts. The privacy of your website completely customizable and you can choose with whom you wish to share these beautiful moments with. Just invite your friends and family via email or just share your page on social networks like facebook and twitter.