Build Loyal Visitors and Increase Traffic To Your Blog/Website With Punchtab
Getting more people to visit your blog is quite attainable but making them a regular visitor of your platter might not seem that easy. For that you need to play the trick, you need to lure them.
The underlying idea is simple you reward your visitor with something when he comes, and if the reward seems to be interesting enough he’s bound to bounce back for more. Now it comes to the rewards and I am pretty sure there are hundreds of options, including party casino and other goodies.
The installation is fairly simple on most of the platforms including Blogger and WordPress. after installation a “Rewards” tabs appear in your blog which when clicked by the user opens up a dialog offering the rewards.
You choose where to keep that button and you choose your own rewards.
Choose or make your rewards, set the number of points needed and you’re done!
You can also offer a one-time give away offer to your readers.
The last step is copying the generated code snippet and pasting it in the HTML mode of your blog post.
Try this now, Click here!